Our Studio

Studio Wall Mural Painted by Local Artist
How do you convert a small industrial warehouse with 18' high ceilings and gray cinderblock walls into a design studio?
First we installed a new HVAC system for heating and cooling and high-intensity lights on the ceiling. The walls were painted an eggshell color and an 8' x 12' flower cooler was assembled onsite. A long rack of storage shelving and an office cubicle were added. Donations of wooden work benches and racks provided work area necessities.
To make an inviting consultation area, we put in a large wrought iron gazebo and decorated the wall with an Italian garden scene mural. David Howlett, a local artist, painted a colorful floral arrangement on the largest wall area (pictured above). The floors were finished with a warm terra cotta Italian tile in the consultation area and a colorful concrete stain in the work area.